
Scope360° Professional provides Scope360° functionality to users without the need for a enterprise config.

Dear user of Scope360° Professional,

Our aim with the Scope360° is to make your work day easier and that you become more efficient. Every year we spend hundreds of hours improving Scope360°. The work includes everything from analysing needs and develop new functions in the product that can create great value for You. In order to be at the forefront and meet expectations, we have released many features.

Examples of features:

So far, this work has been completely voluntary and the time we spend has been in our own free time. We are passionate about our product and there is so much work ahead so that we can continue to create the new features we see are needed and in demand.

In time we will have to charge a little bit for You to keep using Scope360°. We are sure that it will be worth it! But til then we hope You will explore and enjoy all the new features Scope360° gives You!

Thank you for the trust!

Best regards,
The Team behind Scope360°

Please contact us if you have any question or want to know more about Scope360°

Email: info@scope360.se

Available Products

Scope360° Professional Scope360° Enterprise
Scope360° Professional provides Scope360° functionality to users without the need for a enterprise config1.

Scope360° Light
(Flow Companion for Jira)
This funtionality is now provided in Scope360°.
Full functionality of Scope360° including a company wide common config1 that supports all Jira users with an enhanced Jira experience with reports from Plan, Flow and Forecast perspective.

Please visit Chrome Web Store to install Scope360° for Jira.

  1. A config contains the translation from Jira fields to Scope360° Dimensions 2