Release Notes

This is a description of the most recent releases of Scope360°

  • Scope360° Version 2024.06.18


  • Scope360° Version 2024.06.17

    Flow Perspective

    • Analyze Flow works again!
  • Scope360° Version 2024.06.15


    • Updated message feature with graphical profile. When a message appers it looks like in the image below. Click on X to mnimize the message. The message can then be expanded again by clicking on Info (i). Click Got It, if you want to get rid of this message and not show it again.


    • Family detail component is moved into issue details section in order to avoid visualization problems in some cases.


    • Minor bug correction
  • Scope360° Version 2024.05.27

    This release upgrades Flow Companion for Jira to Scope360 for Jira.

    Information about this change: Scope360° Light1
    For installation: Chrome Web Store

    1. Flow Companion for Jira is also known as Scope360° Light 

  • Scope360° Version 2024.05.18


    • Graphics updated with a new color scheme


    • Bug corrected in config post processor that makes it possible to clear a value

    Plan Perspective

    • About Config shown in menu for Scope360° Professional


    • Links zoom functionality corrected


  • Scope360° Version 2024.04.25

    Plan Perspective - Query Expansions

    • The query used when opening a view in plan perspective from menu can be modified to include one level of linked issues by pressing <ALT> and to include all children and ancestors by pressing <SHIFT>.


    • The behavior above can be used to make more detailed modifications to query used when opening the Plan Perspective from the Jira Search View. The example below includes one level of linked ussues and all children. The jql expansion should be given between {and }.


    The implementes jql expansions are:

    • L - Linked Issues
    • C - Child Issues
    • T - Trace Ancestors
    • S - Toggles if Sub-tasks should be included in coming jql expansions or not.

    Uppercase versions of the jql expansions are recursive and the lowercase versions are only executed once.

    {lclT} means that

    1. One level of inked issues will be added
    2. One level of child issues will be added
    3. One level of linked issues will be added
    4. All levels of ancestors will be added

    Will be added to issues defined by the original jql query when choosing Analyze Plan.

  • Scope360° Version 2024.04.10


    • New Scope360° log and icon in extension


    Confluence perspective

    • If a text containing issue keys, is copied, it can be pasted as a issue key query. This update provides a better filter for valid keys pasted. Can be used to select a part of a Confluence page containing links to Jira issues, copy and then use Scope360° to paste as issuekey query.


  • Scope360° Version 2024.04.07


    • Corrected default config to remove prefixes
    • Added parser to parentLink in default config to manage parent child dependency between issues and sub–issues

    Jira perspective

    • Issue Icons now available on cards in the board again
    • fixed links from s360 menu issue view
  • Scope360° Version 2024.04.03


    • Bug fix to support non Latin1 characters using base64 encoding. This allows to open reports built on a jql using non Latin1 characters.


  • Scope360° Version 2024.03.16


    • Several refactorings and bug fixes

    Jira perspective

    • Small enahncement in family detail adds space between icon and text
    • Translation is added to Alanyze Plan menu in cs menu


    Plan Perspective

    • Scope360° Personal is introduced. This means that a default config is used when there is no config available for the specific Jira Instance. About dimensions is available in the menu. This view describes some of the dimensions used and how they are configured.

  • Scope360° Version 2024.03.07


    • Enhanced robustness of config handling
  • Scope360° Version 2024.02.06


  • Scope360° Version 2024.01.19


    • Improved error handling of Remote twin when not logged in
  • Scope360° Version 2024.01.16

    Jira Enhancements

    • Board query now part of generated jql again
    • Remote twin loading in content scripts corrected

    Plan Perspective

    • Storage handling for links corrected
    • Encoded jql in issue field component in jpr to handle special characters
  • Scope360° Version 2024.01.06


    • Supports new board config api. Jira Cloud supported again.
    • Refactories to make Scope360° more maintainable

    Jira Enhancements

    • Clearer representation of issue field values on nested issue cards


    • Corrected bug that made headers and values to be misaligned in csv export
    • Export as csv via custom issue export added. Config example:
            name: 'PI22.49 PD Priority',
            sortBy: ['id', 'program'],
            fields: ['id', 'program', 'iteration'],
            outputFormat: 'csv',

    Plan Perspective

    • Viz migrated to till vue3
    • Removed flickering in Analyze Flow button
    • Corrected config service to support hosts with port again
    • Scope360° menu now available on issues page in Jira Cloud showing issue opened from search result
  • Scope360° Version 2023.12.04

    Jira & Confluence enhancements

    The areas of improvements are affecting mainly the enhancements in the Jira and Confluence that are implemented in Scope360°:

    • Several bug fixes
    • Enhancements of visualizations in the issue details views and family view
    • Enhancement to custom export that now translates property names if translation is available
    • Remote issues i Issue details vyn
    • Dependencies to lodash remoced from production code
  • Scope360° Version 2023.11.16

    Jira Enhancement

    • Family detail widget semi transparent when ticket done


    • Remote issues in another Jira instance can be visualized in the content scripts
    • Bug fixed: Issue export made custom config overwrite the stored config
    • Rank and sprint is added to default config

    Plan perspective

    • Bug fixed: Translation in advanced filter in JPR were not correct
    • Issue row is now semitransparent when status is done


    release-note-large release-note-large
    • Parent-child dependencies are now ok if they do not create circular dependencies. If a circular dependency is found, one parent-child relationship is removed.
    • Removed unused rights from Scope360° manifest
    • New default config used in Links

    Flow perspectivce

    • Less page reloads
    • Remove unused rights from manifest
    • Different name of application in tab and extension menu dependent on extension name and license

    Third party licenses

    • Blue oak license not longer used
  • Scope360° Version 2023.10.10

    Minor release

    This release is a minor one and contains

    • Scope360° now supports updated modern jira cloud UI
    • some refactories and bug fixes
    • Sentry for error monitoring is removed from Scope360°
  • Scope360° Version 2023.09.25

    Minor release

    This release is a minor one and contains

    • some refactories and bug fixes
    • Goggle Analytics is added to improve understanding of how Scope360° is used
  • Scope360° Version 2023.09.03

    License Information

    License information is now displayed in the same way in the different perspectives of Scope360°.





    Jira Enhancements

    • User Messages will also be displayed above the main Scope360° menu if available. The messages is written in the config in a simplified markdown format.


    • If a text containing issue keys is copied it can be pasted as a issue key query.


    • Custom issue export write to clipboard on SHIFT click.

    Confuence Enhancements

    • Issue details view now works again.



    • Small bugfixes and many refactories of Scope360°.
  • Scope360° Version 2023.05.19

    Jira Enhancements

    • In the family detail component Siblings is represented as Me if there are no siblings.


    Plan Perspective

    • Previously it was possible to press SHIFT while opening a report in the Analyze Plan menu to include all children and ancestors in the report. Now it is possible to also press ALT to get linked issues included

    Flow Perspective

    • It is now possible to reload reports in flow perspective in the browser without loosing settings.


    • Scope360° manifest now includes unlimitedStoragePermission to make the application future proof when it comes to caching and configs.
  • Scope360° Version 2023.04.02

    Jira Enhancements

    • When the component below is shown in Jira the siblings and children are now sorted, assignee is shown if set and the issue shown/selected are highlighted with a frame in the siblings section.


    • custom issue export functionality now logs warnings if there are problems with the config - If you try to set up a config you will get feedback in the console if the config is not an array or not a valig JSON.



    • License logic for Menu bar in jira enhancements to support different licenses. This can be configured in a config and clicking the orange field gets you to a page with more information.


    Plan Perspective

    • Persistance of report configuration are optimized.
    • Issue fields are added to issue details view and the issues are sorted in the same way as in issue details views in other parts of Scope360°.
    • Left issuebar made more bold so it is clearer where one issue starts and another ends.


    • Statuscategory coloring is now more solid, including in Links - Sometimes issues appeared black in Links or status appeared without color.


    • Uses of browser storage is moved one step away from using synced storage in the browser. This is a preparation to move all caching functionality to browsers local storage and session storage.
    • Refactorings and improvements of the code base.
  • Scope360° Version 2023.01.31

    • Updated to Manifest version 3 for Scope360°.
    • Several bug-fixes.

    Jira Enhancements - Custom Exports

    • 1st version of custom exports. Will appear in the Export menu if there exists a config for it in local storage with key s360-custom-issue-export-config.


    Example of a config file for custom exports:

            "name":"Priority List",
            "name":"Program List",

    Jira Plan Perspective - Dependency Board

    • Added new scroll behavior in new dependency board. Scroll using the UP and DOWN keys.


  • Scope360° Version 2023.01.05

    Jira Plan Perspective

    • Corrected bug that sometimes showed an empty page report.
  • Scope360° Version 2022.12.20

    Jira Plan Perspective

    • Implemented configurable issue colors in new dependency board in jpr
    • Updated handling of grouping and filter
  • Scope360° Version 2022.11.28

    Jira Plan Perspective

    This version contains a bug fix related to page dimension in Pivot Report. It did not work when hierarchyLevel was chosen.

  • Scope360° Version 2022.11.23

    This version contains a mix of upgrades, refactories, bug fixes and new funtionality.

    Jira Enhancements

    • Make querys find children linked with new parent link

    Jira Plan Perspective

    • Made css update so issue type icons always are size 16px
    • Updated to dynamic row heigts in new dependency graph


    • Added a frame to highlight which issue that shows details in JPR


    • Hierarchy level support
    • Updated default settings for the status report in Jpr. Top parents added.


    • Added hierarchy level to grouping options in jpr


  • Scope360° Version 2022.07.05

    Jira Flow Perspective


    • When a config for the Jira instance is not available in the Scope360° config server, Scope360° Light is presented. Initially it contains the same functionality as Jira Flow Companion.


  • Scope360° Version 2022.05.22

    Jira Enhancements

    • Export to CSV - Exports exports to CSV with each Scope360° dimension to a separate column


    • Enabled family functionality in cloud jira
  • Scope360° Version 2022.04.10

    Plan Perspective

    • Added link to jira jql for issues in cell and card in jpr

      • icon - All issues in cell in Jira
      • icon - All issues on card in Jira
    • Fixed wrapping problem in issue details view in JPR


    • Now issues are sorted by rank in jpr - the lines group issues by parent


    • Added ability to get rank change log i console by pressing 1 in jpr


    Jira Enhancements

    • Vue menue for content scripts
    • Minor Enhancements
    • Bug fixes in refine query
    • Fix css for + on issues page


    • Added query builder
      • Start by selecting wich board to use


      • Select to show/hide the Query Builder


      • Use the query builder to build queries based on the quickfilters on the selected board


  • Scope360° Version 2022.02.13

    Plan Perspective

    • Translations refactored and much wider implemented

    Jira Enhancements

    • Issue family now implemented as a Vue widget
  • Scope360° Version 2022.01.21

    Jira Enhancements

    • Bug fix: This dialog no longer appears when the Refine Query menu is used.


  • Scope360° Version 2022.01.19

    Jira Enhancements

    • Bug fix: it is now possible to Add Stories in Epics and Add Issues in Epics again.


  • Scope360° Version 2021.12.26

    Plan Perspective/Confluence Enhancement

    • Issue detailed view in Confluence can now be opened by right-click a Jira issue url


    • Scope360° supports Jira cloud again
  • Scope360° Version 2021.12.18

    Plan Perspective/Confluence Enhancement

    • Issue descriptions can be shown for issues directly in the issue detailed view in Links and Confluence by clicking i in a black dot


    • Popovers can be shown for issues directly in the issue detailed view in Links and Confluence

      • Click issue to open issue detail view


      • Click + in a black dot to open plan perspective


    • Highlight related issues on hover by fading out the others


  • Scope360° Version 2021.11.23

    Plan Perspective/Confluence Enhancement

    • Fixes a bug that sometimes generated an error when loading the details view in Confluence or Links
  • Scope360° Version 2021.11.13

    Plan Perspective

    • In Chart view a color code legend is shown in the heatmap matrix.
    • Numbers on top of bar shows actual value.


    • Improved behavior changing options in the heatmap view. All should never be empty


    • Issue detailed view in Links shows related Jira issues as they look in Jira even if data is not within the dataset that started Links. This detailed issue view works in a similar way in Confluence.


    • Bug corrected that made the Feature report disappear. Now it is available again in the Beta mode. Enter Beta mode by pressing § and the first report is the Feature Report. You get back to normal mode by pressing § again.


    • It is now possible to press r to get the default configuration for a report
    • Dependencies are cleaned up

    Flow Perspective

    • Not dependent on JQuery anymore
  • Scope360° Version 2021.11.07

    Plan Perspective

    • When the node is hovered it will be drawn on top with white background so it is always readable in new dependenct report


    • Chart capability added to pivot report in jpr


    • It can also be shown with numbers in table view


  • Scope360° Version 2021.10.30

    Plan Perspective

    • Added zooming capabilities to new dependency board. Press + to zoom in and - to zoom out. Zoom in and out in Chrome will make the new dependency board zoom too.


    • When parents is shown all ancestors are listed, for example in the Tema Board.


    • In status report the option to show parent is added.


  • Scope360° Version 2021.10.18

    Plan Perspective

    • Enhanced label on dependencies in new dependency view


    • Added hover link funtionality in new dependency view
    • Added a more advance behavior to the message functionality in jpr. Click X to close it and Info to open it and Click Got it! to avoid getting that message again.


    • Press u to get a shareble url to the current report. It uses Scope360° Redirect Page,, in the url and Scope360° can then decode it to the right report. The url is printed in the console.


  • Scope360° Version 2021.10.02

    Plan Perspective

    • Link to Jira issue in issue details view now opens Jira issue in new tab for views including links
    release-note-large release-note-large
    • Clicking a node in the new dependency board now opens the details view and filters based on that issue. Beta mode is entered by pressing §. Press § again to get back to normal mode.


    • Shift click tip now available as tooltip


    • Config in chrome storage cache are now compressed and that enables larger configs for the Jira Instance

    • Translation in type filter menu corrected

  • Scope360° Version 2021.09.18

    Scope360° Popup

    • Links to and to Scope360° release notes now available in popup window


    Plan Perspective

    • It is now possible to save issues as returned by Jira by pressing f. The file is printed in console.
    • Issues ar parsed earlier in process to increase loading performance.
    • New dependency board is under development and added to to beta mode. Beta mode is entered by pressing §. Press § again to get back to normal mode.


    • Avatar limited in size in issue details view
    • Issue link in the title in issue details view now opens url in jira in current tab. All other links to issues opens the issue detail view.
    • Added profiling of loading report from Jira to console
    • You can now press shift to include children and ancestors when opening a view in plan perspective from menu


  • Scope360° Version 2021.08.21

    Plan Perspective

    • Reading of persisted report configurations is now more fault tolerant
    • Updated logic that expands organization filter to include related issues and not all relatives in program board. Relates issues includes all children, all siblings and all ancestors.
    • Corrected calculation that frames current selected iteration in program board
    • Corrected implementation to filter by program when clicking on the progrma title in program board
    • Enhanced filter menu behavior
    • Added translation to issue details

    Jira Enhancements

    • Limit size of Jira JQL text box to 300px max. Enables to see search results even when the query is very long.